certification's made easy


Central Texas AC and Refrigeration School is committed to bringing you a consistently high level of training. You can quickly get the skills necessary to get you on the road to career success in the Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) and Refrigeration Systems field. Here is a quick list of what you will be trained on.


Choose the perfect schedule for you

Central Texas AC and Refrigeration School offers small hands-on and convenient day, night and Saturday classes. It is convenient and easy as ever to change your life with a new career today. Take a look below at our class offerings.





EPA Certification Test and Training Seminar:

Part of your training will include training and testing for Federal EPA certification. Because your certification is through the EPA, a Federal Agency of the US Government, your certification is valid in all 50 states and Canada.

EPA Certification:

Section 608 of the Federal Clean Air Act requires that all persons who maintain, service, repair or dispose of appliances that contain regulated refrigerants be certified in proper refrigerant handling techniques.  The EPA has also placed a sales restriction on refrigerants, limiting the sale of regulated refrigerants to certified technicians only. Technicians who violate the Clean Air Act provisions may be fined, lose their certification, and may be required to appear in Federal court.


EPA Certification Test and Training Seminar:

Part of your training will include training and testing for Federal EPA certification. Because your certification is through the EPA, a Federal Agency of the US Government, your certification is valid in all 50 states and Canada.

EPA Certification:

Section 608 of the Federal Clean Air Act requires that all persons who maintain, service, repair or dispose of appliances that contain regulated refrigerants be certified in proper refrigerant handling techniques.  The EPA has also placed a sales restriction on refrigerants, limiting the sale of regulated refrigerants to certified technicians only. Technicians who violate the Clean Air Act provisions may be fined, lose their certification, and may be required to appear in Federal court.

THE four categories of certification



Persons who maintain, service or repair small appliances must be certified as Type I Technicians




Persons who service, maintain, repair, or dispose of low pressure appliance must be certified as Type III technicians.



Persons who maintain, service, repair or dispose of high or very high pressure appliances, except for small appliances or motor vehicle air conditioning systems, must be certified as Type II technicians.



Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of small appliances as well as high and low pressure equipment, must be certified as Universal technicians.



Persons who maintain, service or repair small appliances must be certified as Type I Technicians




Persons who maintain, service, repair or dispose of high or very high pressure appliances, except for small appliances or motor vehicle air conditioning systems, must be certified as Type II technicians.



Persons who service, maintain, repair, or dispose of low pressure appliance must be certified as Type III technicians.



Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of small appliances as well as high and low pressure equipment, must be certified as Universal technicians.

SECTION 608 EXAM FORMAT: EPA regulations require the test to be a "closed book" proctored exam. The only outside materials allowed are a temperature / pressure chart, scratch paper and a calculator.

The certification exam contains 4 sections – CORE – Type I – Type II – Type III.  Each section contains 25 multiple choice questions. The technician must achieve a passing score of 70% in each Type in which they are to be certified.  All technicians must pass the CORE section before receiving any certification.  A technician seeking certification must correctly answer 18 out of 25 questions on the CORE and at least one other section of the exam.   A technician seeking Universal certification must correctly answer 18 out of 25 questions on each section of the exam. 
Universal Certification – Someone who possesses Type I, Type II and Type III Certifications

EPA training seminar and testing for Universal or various type of certification as follow:


You may select the type of the test (Type I, Type II and Type III) at the beginning or at the end of the test. Please remember you will be graded only on the types you select. Each test level has 25 questions for a total of 100 on the test. You may select the technician types for which you wish to test. The test is divided into four sections as follow:


Core section contains 25 CORE questions which deal with environmental issues surrounding the impact of the Class I and Class 11 refrigerants.


This Section includes 25 technical questions for Type I certification. For Type 1 certification test you must answer all the CORE questions and all Type 1 questions only. To pass this type of certification you must pass Type I technician. And you must get at least 18 correct answers on the CORE section and at least 18 correct answers on the technical section.


This Section includes 25 technical questions for Type II certification. For Type II certification test you must answer all the CORE questions and all Type II questions only. To pass this type of certification you must pass Type II technician. And you must get at least 18 correct answers on the CORE section and at least 18 correct answers on the technical section.


This Section includes 25 technical questions for Type III certification. To test for Type III certification you must answer all the CORE questions and all Type III questions only. To pass this type of certification you must pass Type III technician. And you must get at least 18 correct answers on the CORE section and at least 18 correct answers on the technical section.

Universal Certification – you need to pass Core, Type I, Type II and Type III Certifications

Note: For Universal Certification, you must answer all 100 questions on the test. And you must get at least 18 correct answers on each section (Core, Type I, Type II and Type III)

If you pass the CORE section and Type II for example, but get less than 18 correct answers on Type III, you will be certified for Type II only. Once certified for any technician type you will not be required to re-take the CORE questions. You will, however, need to show your next proctor your wallet card showing the technician types for which you are already certified.

The certificates will be issued to those applicants with passing grades; those students should receive their certificates within two weeks. If you do not pass the test you will need to retake the sections that you did not pass at an additional charge at a later date.

Note:  There will be no refund given, however, you may reschedule for a later date. No more than two rescheduled dates are allowed. If the seminar and/or test is not taken after two rescheduled dates (or 90 days, whichever comes first), the full amount is due and payable for seminar and/or test.

If you have any questions, please call (512) 410-4807 or (512) 339-0993.